1·And it can change cutting length follow to different size of fire damper optionally.
2·By different functions it can be categorized into smoke damper and smoke fire damper.
3·8226; Product description: Automatic fire damper blade roll forming machine run by chain drive types, it can suit different production requirement.
4·It mainly deals with the design method and principle of fire damper, positive pressure control, ventilation of stair room and running logic of HVAC in emergence situation.
5·Discusses some unclear, inconsistent or inaccurate points of fire damper installation in the related codes governing building fire protection, and offers the author's recommendations for revision.
6·Gas fire controller has various functions such as failure alarm, closing blower fan and fire damper, and can feedback manual, automatic, alarming, failure and spray signals to the fire control centre.
7·The method is also suitable for fire -regulating damper and smoke -discharging damper.